Interview of the Asia-Pacific Managing Director of Novacel
Through an interview by Mr. Nirmaly Mukherjee, Editor of the indian magazine Steel & Metallurgy, Laurent Blaevoet presents Novacel's work in APAC region.
He explains the steel industry's benefits from using Novacel's processing and protective films.
Laurent Blaevout also presents the latest innovations of our brand and especially our eco-responsible solutions.
Finally, he tells us a little more about Novacel's strategy for the coming years.
If you want to know more consult page 16 of this online magazine!
STEEL and METALLURGY :: eMagazine December 2022 (steelmetallurgy.com)
Laurent Blaevoet, Asia-Pacific Managing Director of Novacel:
"Our customers are saving more than what they spend with our solutions through process improvement, wastage reduction, energy saving, lower return rate and improved brand image."